Jul 13, 2013

4 Months & So Much New

UntitledThe Cade-man is 4 months old today! Naturally a 4-month photoshoot ensued. He wasn't super smiley during it but he was very alert as you can see, looking at all kinds of things.

On the list of new things - a new schedule! Maybe this isn't exclamation point exciting to you but as the mom, it is to me.

Instead of eating every 2.5-3 hours, Cade is now eating every 3.5 hours which means we got to drop down from 7 feedings to 6 in a 24-hour period. It also means bedtime feeding is now at 8:30 instead of 9p. This makes for a much saner mommy (and daddy). I was going to wait another week or two before changing his schedule and had a whole battleship style war plan in mind for the transition. But Wednesday and Thursday of this week he eliminated a feeding all on his own. So we just went with it.

It also means new, fun bigger bottles are in the rotation. Well one of the bottles is fun - Red Sox. The other two...eh Chicago Bears. Whatevs.

Also new this week is pulling Mom's hair. He thinks it is the best thing ever. Or maybe he's just encouraging me to go get that haircut I had to cancel last week. (Rescheduled for this coming Friday.)

New today specifically is our trial run on a Mom & Baby work out routine. Either I am way more out of shape than I realized, Cade is the heaviest 14 pounds around or this work out is legit. He really disliked the parts where I'm supposed to put him down but on the flip side, the baby lifts were popular. Either way, suffice it to say we did not finish it before we both threw in the towel.

And one final new thing - yes there is one more! We visited Ross at the fire department for the first time! We had lunch there and took some excellent junior firefighter photos. Just look.

GFD with Dad

GFD with Dad

GFD with Dad

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