Jul 3, 2013

Surprise: VEGAS!

Since last March (like 2012) I've been hoping and planning for Ross and I to go to Vegas with my sorority sisters next month. We take one trip a year together and this one honors Val graduating law school, taking the bar and marrying Justin.

In the past few weeks though it became a clear logistical challenge. Vacations, work projects, etc were not on our side. So Sunday I conceded defeat and canceled our hotel.

UntitledYesterday I came home from work and on our dining room table were lovely flowers and a card from my hubby. Inside the card were mushy loving words and a stack o' cash. And instructions to go party with the Deltas in Vegas. He'd stay in Austin and watch our little man.

I cried.

And jumped up and down and in general freaked out.

I booked my flight, let Kristin know I'd be bunking with her and started texting the world with the good news. When I texted Erin she texted back that she could watch Cade on that Friday until my Mom could get to Austin, if Ross wanted to go too.

Crazy star aligning! We called Mom to confirm she could be here Friday night, called Erin to clarify details, crunched numbers on flights and a (new) hotel...AND THEN WE BOOKED A TRIP TO VEGAS FOR TWO!

Neither of us have been to Vegas before so that is very exciting. More exciting though is that I get to see all my lovely Deltas. Shy of going to Europe with my hubby for two weeks, no trip is better than a Delta trip. We're flung literally all over the country - Seattle to DC and everything in the middle - but the one time a year when we see each other, it's like no time or miles have passed at all. Forgive the mushy Delta love but I am just so damned excited to be packing up my hubby and going to see all those girls!


Sally Heaven said...

Have a great time! Vegas is quite an experience. I like the blackjack tables and Cirque. The food is good too!

Cheryl said...

YES! I can't wait!