Oct 6, 2009

GS Love

I have been in a crazy world of Girl Scouting for the past week or so. I've had some really exciting, motivating conversations with co-workers and I am just pumped. There's a lot of thinking out loud happening so details are vague, but let me tell you, the fusion of these things could be great. We're asking lots of questions. How do we retain middle school and high school girls? How do we adjust to the fact that more moms work than stay home (and our volunteer model is more stay-at-home mom friendly, a predicament)? How do we create a truly compelling Web presence? How do we streamline paperwork? What is the music that we just need to face?

I've got ideas. Loads of them. And people are asking.

They say that younger generations need to be heard. Teenagers, college students, young professionals, just need to be heard. I can't say I'm an exception to the rule. I like being heard, especially when I'm passionate about an idea that I know can help us serve more girls. I like being asked and I love being heard.

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