Jun 21, 2010

My Kitchen Still Needs Cleaning

For the past two weeks, Ross worked 48-hour shifts on the weekends. That equals absolutely no weekend time together for Team Black. But this weekend he was off. Woohoo! Party hardy!

We started early with lunch and margaritas on the patio with four friends on Saturday. It was lovely (and hot). The margaritas made with fresh strawberries were delish. The grilled chicken salad was light and healthy. Yum. Then off to the pool for volleyball and crawfish. Sunny and fantastic.

Sunday we laid low and ate junk food. Seriously. Burritos for lunch and pizza for dinner. Tortilla chips and salsa in the middle. Rockstar meals if I do say so myself. Besides eating terribly, we read our books, watched TV and just in general lazed around.

That's why at 11:30 a.m. on Monday, my kitchen still needs cleaning. Which is also why I'm blogging/playing on Facebook/rescheduling my September dentist appointment. Really, anything to avoid cleaning the kitchen. Possibly success?

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