Nov 22, 2008


1) Ross and I pet sat for my coworker Larisa. It mostly went well until day 5 when the puppy decided to ransack our living room. From playing cards to the remote control, she ate it all. She even pulled the table runner off the dining room table and ate the candles that came down with it. We are no longer pet-sitting.

2) My coworker Savita has been promoted to Chief Development Officer! She's amazing. I am very very excited for her and our development team.

3) Nancy and I went to the Junior League's A Christmas Affair today. MD Anderson had a booth there so I got my Christmas cards. Yay! I also got a really cool little Christmas gift for AJ but I can't tell you what it is. What if you are her?

4) My dress is in! I'm going to pick it up this week and take it home to my parents' house. Melissa is coming over there on Wednesday so I can try it on for her. Yay again!

5) Christmas shopping has begun. So far I have checked off Grandma, Gramma (his), half of Ross, AJ/Joe, all the bridesmaids and half of Dad. If you are Kevin, Mom, Dad, Nancy, Jack or Bryanna, please file your requests now.

6) We're having a BIG new year's eve party at the Krzjzaniek's house. (Its spelled something like that, if you know who I am talking about then you know that's pretty close.) You should come.

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