Oct 30, 2008

One day we WILL get married

We don't know when that day will be but darn it, one day, we will get married. Two good friends had their reception hall mess up their wedding date request and now their wedding is the day before ours. I chatted with the other bride and we thought we could make it work with some crafty planning. But Ross pointed out how poopy any of our guests will be at our wedding from partying all night at the other wedding.

We're investigating changing the wedding...yes I know, again. I guess when I thought we could do it all in one weekend I didn't realize how many of Ross' friends overlapped with the other wedding. I still think we probably could do it, I mean I know we could, but it all goes back to it being our wedding. And if he thinks its really going to bring down the party, we'll research our options. But word to the wise - after this is researched and decided on I dare you, in fact I double dare you, to mess with our wedding date. Just see how that goes for you.

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