Jul 16, 2013

Day 3

I've had exactly 3 business days of self employment and I AM LOVING IT. Friday and yesterday were even kind of crazy because Ross was at work and still, loved it.

Not to sound too yoga-and-granola but I feel like there is so much more balance in my life. So far, hopping between work and baby and puppy and house and husband is going well. I feel like my house is in order more, my time with Cade is more quality and everything is just less rushed overall. Yes, even less rushed in my Great Across Austin adventures yesterday (Round Rock to Cedar Park to downtown to Cedar Park to Round Rock).

An added bonus - while I was working this morning and Ross was caring for Cade, the Cade-man finally rolled over for his dad. I got to hear Ross exclaim in excitement and tell Cade how amazing he is. There is absolutely no better soundtrack to the workday.
Breakfast is now less rushed and includes rice cereal

We like not being rushed but the verdict is still out on the cereal

Update 7:17p
I've made the bed 2 days in a row and tonight I cleaned up after dinner and pureed leftover vegetables so Cade will have home-made baby food. Ross wants to know where his regular wife has gone. I don't know but I think the new girl is alright.

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