Nov 17, 2013

Big Baby Day: Baptism

IMG_1895Today was a BIG Baby Day! Cade was baptized!

During the 9a service at Westlake United Methodist Church, Cade was baptized. All of his grandparents, his godparents, Aunt Meg, Uncle Stacy, Jon and Margeaux were all in attendance with us. The ceremony included a promise to raise him with God, holy water poured on him from a seashell and then a song about him while the minister took him on a "Cade parade" through the church. It was wonderful! And he was a super well behaved baby, giving a few baby talks during the event and otherwise playing and listening quietly. Best baby ever.

Afterward we hosted a celebration at our house. It was a total baby-fest. So many little ones! And it made us realize how long it had been since we'd seen some of our friends. When you realize their two year old was a newborn last time you saw them...yeah, it's been a while. It was a great crowd and we feel so lucky and happy to have had so many friends celebrate with us. It was especially special to have Val down from Washington (even if it was just for 30 hours total) to celebrate.

All in all a lovely day. I am EXHAUSTED from it all so am heading to bed very soon. Big thanks to Erin for sharing her photography skills to help capture the day! Enjoy the pics!





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