Jan 23, 2007

Everyone Loves Newbies

Delta Fingers
Originally uploaded by cheryl_lynn425.
Tri Delta loves newbies!! And today we got lots of them!

I'm not sure how many girls joined our chapter today but its in the ballpark of 20 and we are pumped!! About a dozen girls met the newbies at the GSU with their bids this evening and then it was on to Pledge Mom Megan's place for the first of many welcoming events.

This of course makes me the great grandmother of BU deltas. Yup, my class is now like the oldest of 4 active "generations" of BU deltas. It also means the little girls are no longer the little girls. They have to relinquish that joy. They seem to be taking it pretty well though (well except Risa who told me that if I reminded her one more time that she is no longer the baby she would revoke my trip to Cali...the one I already took). Maura doing swell at being not the baby; she even taught some newbies, specifically Lindsay and Kasey, the fine art of making delta fingers for pictures!!

Welcome little deltas!

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