Dec 12, 2012

A pregnant lady is only as fun as her belly pictures

What fun is it to have a pregnant friend unless she takes some belly pictures?

iphone_picSo this morning I sent some girlfriends a belly picture. It's not the best picture of me (what do you expect before 8a?) but the point is, there is a very pregnant belly.

Also in relation to the belly, Baby Cade beat the crap outta me today. For the first time I got a swift kick to the ribs. And in the middle of the afternoon at that, not his usual active time by any means. In fact he spent most the afternoon practicing his karate moves.

The funny thing is just a week or so ago I was telling Ross that Cade wasn't moving as much as he usually did. Apparently he was just resting up for today's big performance. Trust me when I say he's one healthy, active baby.

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