Feb 6, 2011

Our next 30 years

Tomorrow morning I am meeting with a financial planner from UBS. We're going to discuss all of mine and Ross' financial goals forever. You know I'm a planner. I love to plan. And I love to reach goals. And I really love to save money. So a plan to save money and reach our goals should be right up my alley.

And it is but it also sounds a little ridiculous. I mean at age 25 I'm going to set our goals for forever? Yes, yes apparently I am.

So what's on the list? Allow me to share
  • Forever home
  • Kids' college
  • Ranch in West Texas
  • Beach condo
  • Self-sufficient retirement
  • Not giving up everything else in life
We've talked about timing for most of these. The forever home will be in a couple years. I figured for kids' college (geez not even pregnant nor done with my own college expenses), if we do a little consistently for their whole lives, they'll have a nice little savings when they get there. Ross wants to buy the ranch in the next 5-10 years (specifically he'll tell you 7 years). Once we have the land we figure we can slowly build the house. And the deal is when we sell the forever home when we are old, I get to take that money and buy a beach condo. Oh yes, and we want to do all this without giving up the little things like weekend trips and dinner out.

I think we can do it...maybe...but it won't be easy. I'm hoping that the planner tomorrow will say "Y'all have ambitious goals but by being a little crazy and starting to work toward them now, you can do it."

Then our craziness will have paid off and I'll feel less crazy for trying to plan out the next 30+ years.

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