Feb 24, 2011

Second Helping of Beef

You know how some things, like casserole, are better as left overs? A beef that you have can be like that.

  1. Wisconsin budget. I don't think this has fixed itself but at least Diane Sawyer reported on something else tonight so I wasn't irked by it.
  2. Volunteer experience. When I was in "breaking-up-with-my-charity" mode last night I contacted the Breast Cancer Resource Center of Texas about volunteering. They got back to me lickity-split. I hope to be meeting with them next week to talk about helping with marketing or fundraising. Not only is this exciting because I think breast cancer is an important cause, but it's exciting because they partner with the Georgetown Fire Department for the Pink Heels Tour in October. And I happen to know one really cute firefighter over there in Georgetown. (And actually my current charity, as if it knew I was irritated, finally contacted me. I'll be helping with social media for the big event.)
  3. Texas Rangers. Well, tickets still aren't on sale but a very nice person in ticket sales gave me the scoop today. March 5. On it like white on rice.

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