Feb 25, 2012

Husband Surprise

Instead of his regular 24 shifts this week, Ross has been in training 8-5 getting certified in woodland fires. He aced his test Friday afternoon and is just a couple pieces of paperwork away from being eligible to travel around the state fighting wildfires.

His training meant he'd been home at night which had been a great change of pace. However we were under the impression that he'd have to go into the station overnight after training Friday. Color me surprised when he called at 5:15p Friday evening to say he was driving home! Hurray! Turns out the overnight shift was optional since he'd been in training. Score one for us.

When we both got home Friday we walked Lexi and I told him about all the work I hoped to get done this weekend. I recently took on a little freelance project so there were some things there, plus some volunteer work writing the BCRC newsletter and finally a few lingering tasks for the office. Lots on my plate to say the least. I got my second surprise of the evening when he nonchalantly said "well I can do the laundry or grocery shopping for you."

Spring-ified w/new table runner (Target),
fun candle holders (Pier 1) & $4 flowers (HEB)
Glory glory hallelujah! When I decided to do the freelance work earlier this month we agreed that to free up my time for that a bit, he would help more with the housework. However this was the first weekend it became a reality. I'm so thankful that he jumped right in and took something off my to-do list.

Now heading into Saturday night I've knocked out the BCRC newsletter and a little more than half of my freelance work for the weekend. We also have a kitchen full of husband-purchased groceries (after learning that his definition of "do the laundry" did not include folding, I suggested the grocery shopping  might be the more helpful task). With all that (plus a Lexi bath and the spring-ifying of the house) under our belts, it's time for a little fun: out to celebrate a girlfriend's 30th birthday downtown!

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