May 30, 2013

Cade's Weekend with Nana

While Ross and I were in California, Cade spent the weekend with Nana and Grandpa Jack. Like good grandparents they sent me pictures throughout the weekend to serve as proof of (happy) life. This one was my favorite.


The best text I got about Cade's weekend was this one (on a group text after Meg asked if his new swing was pink)
No its orange and brown it has flowers but Cade said "I don't give a shit." So I said "Put on your little dinosaur slippers and lets rock!" He said "Sounds good to me Nana! You rock!"
And here is the collage of her wonderful baby weekend that Nancy just made. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that Cade was much happier with Nana than he would have been in a hotel room or busy airports.

(But just give him time. He's my child after all; he'll be a little world traveler soon.)

1 comment:

janieliz19 said...

THOSE SLIPPERS. the best. you can add those to the shark outfit in the "saving for jane's someday children" pile ;)