Sep 7, 2011

I think in "plane ticket" terms

iphone_picA little lunch hour blog musing for you...

I'm wearing really cute shoes today (from the ShoeDazzle shoe club) which while my lunch was heating inspired the "Oh I need to go show Jen" thought which then led to "She's gonna ask why I'm not in shoe club anymore" (because hello, look how cute these are) which led to "but that's $480 per year on shoes...that's a plane ticket, actually one and a half plane tickets."

This isn't the first time I thought in plane ticket terms. I recently received some "free money" (you know money you weren't counting on and can use at your discretion) and my first thought was "That's a plane ticket!" My second thought was "San Diego or Boston? Hmmm."

When I was in college I always kept $300 in my checking account "just in case." Just in case of what? Just in case I needed an emergency plane ticket. Food, bills, rent, whatever. I would switch to Ramen for week if I started to encroach on my scared plane ticket fund.

I think I was the ripe old age of 13 when I started asking for plane tickets for birthdays/Christmas as opposed to stuff. Currently I'm trying to convince Ross that we should be in Italy for my birthday next year and sure, that can be my present. It's a plane ticket after all.

The situation manifests itself beyond the actual plane ticket too.

You may have heard me say this before, but my only real complaint about Austin (when it isn't a burning inferno as it has been lately) is the airport is tiny. While this is actually good for swiftly getting through the airport to use said plane tickets, there's a direct negative correlation between airport size and bang for plane ticket buck. To quote The Sandlot "You're killing me Smalls!"

Relocation has also been affected by plane tickets. As in OK we can move to Georgetown but we should move to the eastside of Georgetown which has easy access to the 130 toll road and thus the airport. Airport access is right up there with granite countertops and a double vanity.

As you can see, thoughts like "I'm not buying that! That's X plane tickets!" and "How is this going to affect my plane ticket potential" are pretty stinkin' common. And I gotta be honest, the pro plane ticket side usually wins these debates.

What terms do you think in and how often do you cave to those terms?


Brittney Garneau said...

First of all, those shoes are AMAZING.

Second of all, I, too, think of things in terms of travel - but also in debt removal. For example, the Weatherman and I are in the throws of a three-year "be completely out of debt" plan. Any time I feel compelled to buy something I say to myself "You're just extending your amount of time in debt." And that I do not like. Also, because we are planning a EuroTrip 2013, I tell myself "That is less wine/not as nice of a hotel/one less day in Italy." Thus, negating my urge to spend money.

Cheryl said...

Getting out of debt is a noble cause to be committed to! Good for you!