Jan 4, 2012

2012 Resolutions

It's quite late but I'm still up (and yes, mostly because I had to watch just one more episode of Friday Night Lights). I just read several of the Deltas' new year's resolutions and I have to admit, I felt kinda left out. So I'm going to share just a few of them (the others I'm trying not to jinx so you'll just have to wait until I achieve them to learn about them).

  • Travel. It's lookin' good. EuroTrip and Boston flights have been booked and tomorrow I hope to book my San Diego plane tickets. With any luck, I'll accompany all those flights with hotel rooms. A January sub-goal is to book hotels for Rome, Venice and Vienna and to come in near-ish to budget. Those might be mutually exclusive clauses; we'll see.
  • Work out 4x per week. I pretty much do this now but I'd like to 1) keep it up and 2) nail it even on busy work/travel/social/whatever weeks.
  • Take my vitamins. Well, I just realized that I've already missed the boat on doing this every day. (I need to take them with food so today I took 1 to work with me where I was going to eat breakfast and I just realized I never took it. Damn.) However, maybe I can still come in at 90% or higher and score an A overall for this.
PS Seeing as I shared 3 resolutions right here, it looks like I'm not going to achieve my original resolution (which makes 4 total shared resolutions I guess) to have less resolutions.

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