Feb 7, 2013

A Most Spoiled Honeydew Melon

35 weeks down folks! And here's the belly to prove it.

Baby Cade, my sweet honeydew melon of a son, is getting big. Estimates are a little over 5 pounds and 18 inches long. Which goes a long way to explaining why mama can't reach her feet to put on socks and shoes anymore. (God bless flip flops and 80 degree days in February.) Cade's main job at this point is putting on weight. And then in roughly 5 weeks - maybe a little  less if he's listening to me - he'll be here!

Our friends are helping us ensure that he's the most spoiled of babies. On Sunday our friends Mike & Lindsey hosted a SuperBowl/Diaper Shower for us. Now when Baby Boy arrives, we've got the necessary supplies to cover his cute little butt. And fortunately because we received diapers in all sizes, we're prepared for growth spurts too. Big thanks to Mike & Lindsey for hosting and for all of our friends who contributed to the baby diapering.

Today we received another Delta gift in the mail, this time from Kristin. As soon as I opened it I knew she hit a grand slam. (I expect nothing less from a pediatric physician's assistant.) A book about the Tickle Monster and accompanying Tickle Monster gloves! Ross has taken the gloves for a test drive and they work very well.


Thank you to everyone who is helping us prepare for our honeydew melon of a baby!

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