Apr 19, 2014

Pictures and Parties

UntitledWe had quite the eventful Saturday morning. First, our family of three went downtown to the Capitol to take family pictures.

We'll have them back from the photographer in about two weeks but here's one I took with my phone before she arrived. She told me I was the only mom who ever greeted her with "my boys are reading a book," not "my boys are playing in the mud" or "my boys are wrestling." Apparently one of the "boys" being the husband doesn't typically alter this statement either.

Cade has really been into the 1, 2, 3 Texas book so in addition to this picture, I think it is in at least half of the ones the photographer took too.

Post-pictures, Cade and I went to Kenneth's second birthday party. And it had the best thing ever: a ball pit. It was Cade's first ball pit experience and he loved it. I know in this picture with Kenneth, their grimaces would make you think they are doing homework, not playing at a birthday party but they really did have fun.


And this afternoon post-party Ross took Cade for his first ride in his bike buggy. We realized we forgot to purchase a helmet (oops) so it wasn't quite as ambitious a ride as originally planned. But a helmet will be arriving Tuesday via Amazon and then the great bike buggy adventures can begin!

Finally in the spirit of full disclosure and not putting overly rose-colored glasses on my blog, in addition to "picture and party day" Cade also decided it was No Nap Saturday. Which I decided meant it was also Early Bedtime Saturday. I ran to the store after Cade went to bed and Ross tells me that's when some debate over my decision erupted but thankfully it is parent-ocracy in our home so Cade was vetoed and Early Bedtime Saturday prevailed.

Tomorrow is Easter Sunday (like really, not just a silly made up day like No Nap Saturday) and Cade and I are going to Houston! This will be his first holiday in H-Town and we are very much looking forward to seeing our family. Yay!

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