Apr 1, 2014

Cade's First Day of Montessori School!

That's right! Today Cade had his first day of Montessori school.

He's a little guy still so it is kinda pre-pre-school. His class at Sunrise Montessori, called the Sweet Peas, is 12-20 month olds and lucky us, there are only 6 kiddos in the class with 2 teachers. Talk about a great ratio!

Ross and I took him to school at 8:30a this morning and walked him into his classroom. We unloaded all his stuff (diapers, wipes, lunch, blanket, etc) into his cubby and chatted with his teacher Miss Lori. Slightly unusual for Cade was that he did not want me to put his puppy lovey into his cubby. He wanted to hold it. And could not have been more clear. So though toys from home aren't the norm, his teacher said it might be a good first day crutch so we went with it. That made him much happier.

And then he was off. As in walking/crawling straight to the toys, see-ya-later-Mom-and-Dad style. I took a few pictures and then, well, he was ready to play without us. So we hugged him goodbye and left. No tears from anyone.

The teachers and school directors said we could call as many times as we wanted to check on him. We restrained ourselves to just one call around 10a. He was doing great. A little bit of sadness when he had to put away the classroom toys to go to recess but I figure if that is your biggest problem in life, you are doing A-OK.

We picked him up from school at 2:30, right after nap time. We were given a glowing first day report. He ate his snack and his lunch, took an hour nap, only used his paci at nap time and really enjoyed the music and movement part of class. In fact to quote the take-home report:

Cade had an awesome first day! He was busy exploring all parts of the room. He enjoyed playing the musical instruments during music & movement. He especially liked the jingle bells.

If that isn't a successful first day of school report, I don't know what is.

Yay new school!

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