Feb 9, 2007

Lord Robert, Sorority Man

Originally uploaded by cheryl_lynn425.
Bob did it. He officially drank way way too much at the BU Pub.

Tonight we celebrated his lording, meaning he finished both the knights quest (60 beers) and the lords quest...some absurd number of cocktails and shots. AJ and I will never catch up to his awesome feat. But we can celebrate with him.

When one is knighted or lorded a series of nicknames is put on a mug for the honored one. Here's what we had for Bob -- the PG ones anyways.

Lord Robert, Sorority Man
Man of the House
King of the Couch
Where everyone knows your name...Bob
Thats not where the TV is

here's to my favorite sorority man


Kristen said...

Congrats, Bob! I'm really glad you didn't die of alcohol poisoning. ;-)

Kristen said...

I guess that lat comment really shows my age, doesn't it? It's just that I worry about you guys!

Kristen said...