May 18, 2011


The tiara brings out the
pink in my face.
Tonight was YNPN Austin's annual Do Gooder Games (or #DGGames for you tweeps). I'm not really in an article-style blog mood but let me hit the highlights for you.
  • Convio had a team! The Queenvios. We wore tiaras and got hella points in the costume category.
  • I rocked a couple questions during the trivia section, quite proud I must say. And just in case you wanted to know, the first YNPN chapter was in San Fran and there are 7000+ open board positions in Central Texas. I think my teammates were impressed (or their jaws hit the table for other unrelated reasons).
  • We made the finals! Woohoo!
  • The last round was 60 seconds about why your organization should win the $500 for charity prize. I gave it my best shot but let's be honest, teaching girls about self-esteem, curing cancer and literacy are all had me beat. Which is why Convio works so hard to help them raise lots of money. But alas, their missions are just sexier.
  • We won second place!
  • Young Professionals for the Cure which is a fundraising/volunteer group for the Komen Foundation in Austin was the big winner. Way to go Komen! Woohoo!
  • I saw lots of my YNPN and nonprofit friends. It was fun. One took this amazing picture you see of me here.
PS Remember that 7000+ board positions thing I mentioned? Crazy right? If you live in Austin and want to help shrink that number by serving on a board, you should attend Greenlights' Board Summit next month.

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