Nov 27, 2012

And we're here!

Well folks, the wait is over. We're moved in!

Moved in, as in, sleeping here and navigating boxes. Today we re-entered 2012 with the set-up of cable and internet and the delivery of our fridge. Ah the information age! The glory of groceries and home-cooked meals.

iphone_picOur set-up has started in the master suite since that's where most the things we need to live on a daily basis reside. My inner HGTV-designer-wanna-be is very pleased to share with you our bright, bold accent wall in the bedroom. It was a little risky to put such a bright color on the wall but I'm happy to say we both really like it.

Tomorrow Ross tackles the backyard, hopefully getting a large portion of it sodded. Then Thursday and Friday I upgrade from evenings of unpacking to full days of unpacking. And somewhere in all that, we hope to have the electrician come out and set up our sweet "all electronic boxes hidden in a closet" set up. Frankly this set up is way beyond both of us and we're really glad we have an expert to lend us a hand.

Finally, the moment you've all been waiting for, the home build time lapse slideshow! ENJOY!

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